Friday, February 4, 2011

Honeyville Grain Discount

Greetings from Honeyville Farms:

SUMMARY:  10% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER* from Thursday, February 3, 2011 thru Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 6:00PM PST.  Simply enter the coupon code ROSEBUD during checkout. Stock up and save on all of your favorites for a limited time.



From Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 thru Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 you'll get 10% off of every item in your cart*.  Just order as usual and enter the coupon code ROSEBUD during checkout.  The coupon code field is on the second page of the checkout process.  Enter the ROSEBUD coupon code, click the APPLY button to the right, and the savings will automatically be calculated. 

As many of you know we have been out of stock on our #10 cans of Powdered Whole Eggs and Egg Whites for about 3 months.  This has been as a result of working with the USDA on plant and label approval with new stricter requirements with respect to eggs.  We've endured numerous delays and setbacks throughout the process.  About a week ago we had received approval to begin Production.  We did so and even had product on UPS trailers ready to be picked up.  We got a call from the USDA stating that they had put us through the wrong process and we would have to start over again.  We had to pull all of the outbound orders and go back into a holding pattern.  At this point we are moving through the process but have no idea when we'll be back in business with the canned eggs.  It is a frustrating situation with one of our best sellers and we apologize for the delay.  Just as soon as we have product ready to ship we will send out an email to all of our great Honeyville Customers.  We appreciate
your patience.

Visit us at

ACT NOW as this discount will end promptly on Tuesday February 8th at 6:00PM PST.  If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to place an order over the phone call us, toll-free, at (888) 810-3212.  We're happy to help.

Thanks for your business.

Chris Ondatje
Director of E-Commerce
Honeyville Food Products, Inc.
Toll-Free:  (888) 810-3212

Cannery Info

We are preparing the cannery for next week’s family canning sessions and have realized we don’t have enough people to help with any of the sessions.

We have one person on Monday for Diced Tomatoes and the cannery staff needs 10 people,
two people on Tuesday for Black, Pinto and White Beans and the cannery staff needs 10 people,
three people on Wednesday for Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup and the cannery staff needs 15 people, and
three people on Thursday evening for Cream of Mushroom Soup and the cannery staff needs 10 people.

The cannery staff have requested a quick response for those available to help on Monday.  If anyone is available, please either call 303-371-6675 and leave a message or send an email to by tomorrow afternoon.  For the remaining sessions, the staff will need to know they have crews by Noon on Monday, February 7th or they will have to cancel sessions. 

The Aurora Cannery Staff

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cannery Info

Happy New Year!  I have the wet pack cannery calendars for January and February 2011 if you would like them emailed to you.  Please note the following information regarding the Home Storage Center and Wet Pack Cannery.

Aurora Home Storage Center

Current Operating Hours are as follows:
     Monday          9:00 am to 3:30 pm
     Tuesday          9:00 am to 3:30 pm AND 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
     Wednesday   9:00 am to 9:00 pm
     Thursday        9:00 am to 9:00 pm

There was a recent price change for the Home Storage Center products and the new order forms are available online at  We are happy to announce that the prepackaged items are now sold by individual cans or pouches and not by the case, other than the Starter Kit.  This means that the cases of potato pearls, pancake mix, and the white flour, white rice, white wheat, red wheat, pinto beans and quick oats can now be opened and sold as EACHES.  For those who love the potato pearls, you don’t have to purchase the entire case, but only the number of pouches you want.  If you have questions the service missionaries are there to help you.

Wet Pack Cannery

     This year the cannery has received the assignment to produce all the tomato soup for approximately 135 storehouses throughout the United States.  Therefore, the volume of soup needed has increased so the cannery will processing tomato soup one week each month, except for April and July.  For anyone interested in helping, please contact your stake high councilor assigned to welfare.

     The wet pack cannery will be undergoing a remodel and will be closed from Monday, March 14th through Wednesday, April 27th.  This only effects the WET PACK cannery.  The Home Storage Center will be open during the remodel.

     The cannery staff was excited to see the interest in the surplus product available in November and December.  They were happy to know that many families benefited by being able to come and purchase without actually canning.  Beginning this month, all non meat family canning products will require interested individuals to preorder and attend the canning session in order to purchase.  Meats are the only family canning products that anyone can purchase without helping to process.