Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Provident Living Club

Today was the Provident Living Club.  I made some bread and honey butter which was fabulous (if I do say so myself).  I have decided to throw out all of the wheat bread recipes that I have and use my scone dough to make almost everything now.  Like I said before, putting the wheat grinder on the pastry setting did wonders for the wheatyness (if thats a word) of the bread.  In this particular loaf I used powdered eggs, milk and butter and I couldn't tell a difference.  I am really trying to only use recipes that taste good using fresher ingredients AND longer term storage stuff....this one is definately a keeper!  I was slightly....well....REALLY disappointed in the powdered butter as "just butter" but in baking it is perfect.  So of course I will be looking for a substitute for the substitute :)  The honey butter had real butter but it also had some sweetened condensed milk that I made from powdered milk and it was great!  Also on our trip down substitute lane, I made a slice of cheese toast with my homemade bread and freeze dried monterrey jack cheese. YUM! I think I already posted about the pizzas we did the other night but if I didn't then they were also made using this scone dough recipe (whole wheat) and freeze dried cheese.  It REALLY does make a difference in the bread when you set the grinder to pastry.....when I think of wheat bread it makes me gag a little...seriously!!! TRY IT!!  Anyone who knows me know that wheat is not my forte!  So anyways.....we only had one person show up for the meeting so we basically just went over everything from last month and it was pretty informal (like I like).  Obviously we taste tested a few things.  I had some dough left over since I only made one loaf of bread so tonight we will be having navajo tacos for dinner.....YUM!  So here is the recipe (I may have posted it earlier) for the bread, honey butter and sweetened condensed milk... I was so surprised at how versatile this dough is....i fry it into scones, made navajo tacos, wheat bread, pizza dough and more!  Still trying it out in various forms but it is good!!!  Have I already said that????

Homemade Wheat Bread (done with scone dough)
2 cups Milk                                                                                                    

4 T Butter or Margarine                                                        

2 T Yeast                                                                                                       

2 Eggs

About 6 cups Wheat Flour                           

1 T Salt

½ cup Sugar

Scald Milk (or use powdered milk and hot water). Add butter and let it melt. Beat Eggs and sugar. Add yeast and salt, then milk. Add enough flour to make a very soft dough. Mix well and let rise until double. Form into 2 loaves and place in greased bread pans. Let rise again a few minutes to desired height before baking. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes then cover with foil.  Place back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.

Honey Butter
½ cup butter
2 Tablespoons Sweetened Condensed Milk (recipe below)
¼ cup honey
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Whip until fluffy and light. Cover and refrigerate 20 minutes.

Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 Cup boiling water
¼ cup margarine
2 cups white sugar
4 cups nonfat dry milk powder

Get a blender and pour the water into it. Add the stick of margarine and the sugar. Turn the blender on and combine the ingredients well.  Take one cup of the dry milk powder and slowly add it to the blender. Combine and blend. Repeat for the other 3 cups, so that you’re blending after you add each time.  Store in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator.

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